Young professionals provide great opportunities for the experienced folk to be great mentors.
A young Food Science professional asked: “How can I improve my experience and improve my knowledge of Food Hygiene & Good Manufacturing Practices?”
A young Food Science professional asked: “How can I improve my experience and improve my knowledge of Food Hygiene & Good Manufacturing Practices?”
Freely share what you know because
knowledge diminishes if it is hoarded.

A recent Food Science and Technology graduate, upon reading some of my posts, sent me a message with this question. Other young professionals starting out in the food safety and quality management profession or planning to enter this field may be asking the same question.
are some of the points in my response:
An academic background in food science or related field is good place to
start. Once employed, the practical everyday experiences at work (good or bad)
provide very good learning opportunities. Ongoing professional development training
may also be necessary. Such training could be obtained through short courses,
seminars and professional certification programs by reputable organizations or
institutions. In every case, the
courses should offer practical content based on real experiences along with real
opportunities for practice. The post on "Mercenary or MOM Training” provides additional information
about how to determine what courses are good to take.
Secondly, any practicing or prospective
professional will benefit from reading as broadly as possible. Reading the
news about actual related events in the industry, as well as following open forum
discussions could be helpful. Participating with comments, questions, etc., could also provide very good opportunities to learn and test your knowledge.
veterans in the food safety and quality management profession may have things
to add. As for current veterans, we must first regain respect for the food safety and quality management profession. Spreading
misinformation and commercialized complicity will not help this at all. Plain
honesty about current failures with a determined and demonstrated effort at
pursuing real (not superficial) solutions will. We must re-establish the
trustworthiness of the profession. Otherwise, we will not have a worthwhile legacy
to pass on to future generations.
Please share your thoughts if you have anything to add. This may even be a question.
Please share your thoughts if you have anything to add. This may even be a question.
Posted by Felix Amiri
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