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Saturday 8 October 2011

Certificate in Food & Health Protection (CFHP) Training Program

A major focus of GCSE-Food & Health Protection is to drive the right mindset in protecting the consumers of food and health products. Strategic collaboration is needed worldwide if reasonable success is to be achieved and maintained in the prevention of health problems caused by food and health products. To this end, the GSCE-Food & Health Protection has launched the CFHP training program that focuses on the principles and practice of consumer protection among other things.

GCSE-FHP recognizes the necessity to adequately train industry participants and stakeholders. This includes consumers. Adopting a mindset of collaboration in the assurance of consumer safety and satisfaction is crucial for all industry participants, regulators and evaluators, etc. Many industry professionals are already positioned to work, and are working with this preferred mindset but there are some inhibitors. The CFHP program is designed to counteract these inhibitors.

A consistent provision of properly designed training and coaching is necessary to break habits that lead to products failures and injury to consumers. Specialists in their respective fields are needed to perform the collaborative roles that are proposed by GCSE-FHP. Ongoing training is necessary in order to create and maintain an environment where there is no longer any need for operators to be policed. Operators and their employees need to learn the benefits and adopt the ideals of being self-motivated and determined to ensure both consumer safety and business survival. The CFHP program is designed to meet these training and coaching needs.

Several challenges interfere with the achievement of consistent excellence in the protection of consumers. These include:

• Lack of financial resources
• Lack of human resource
• Lack of awareness
• Employee indifference or laziness
• High employee turnover rates 
• Resistance to change 
• Excess focus on profit-making
• Criminal intent
• Politics or political protectionism
• Unfair economic opportunism
• Et cetera

Minimizing the disruptions caused by these factors requires more than training. However, it starts with a well designed and implemented training program such as the CFHP program. This program is designed for all industry stakeholders and participants, including consumers.

GCSE-FHP is continuing to enlist training providers, training centres, consultants, prospective students and companies worldwide for the CFHP program.

For additional information about this training program or the curriculum development guidelines, please contact the GCSE-Food & Health Protection Team via email - - or go to:

1 comment:

  1. Food safety should always be the number one priority in food preparation. Online training courses are always available to educate food handlers.
