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Saturday, 21 January 2012

Product Safety and Quality Systems Auditing - A Better Way

This is an excerpt from the GCSE-FHP Compendium of Guiding Principles:

1.     All audits are to be “internal”. This means that audits do not have to be forced upon suppliers by their customers or regulatory agencies. The suppliers or audited parties are to take the lead and ensure that their operations and systems are audited under stringent, consistent and effective auditing protocols.

2.     All audits must be infused with the process of risk assessment. This means that auditors are to be proficient in risk assessment and prolific in the use of the process.

3.     At a minimum, the risk to the consumer must be assessed throughout the auditing process. The risk to the environment and the risk to the business itself and/or its partners may be included in the risk assessment process.

4.    Contracted audit services providers may be used as long as the discretion and initiative come from the party audited.

5.     Audit standards are to be stripped of ALL concurrent, adamant and generic prescriptions of solutions (how to deal with observed issues), whether proactively or otherwise. The prescription, evaluation, validation and implementation of solutions require a focused attention. If this is done during an audit, the audit process is bound to be hindered with a net result of ineffectiveness of both the audit and the presumed solutions.

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