Although some have
become mere theatrics, food safety audits can be put to good use if conducted
in an effective manner with more serious intents than for superficial
Important Rules for Ensuring a Successful and Effective Audit:

2. Avoid the “Buried Log Syndrome” – records must be readily available
3. Do not argue about anything that you cannot factually substantiate
4. Precisely respond to the auditor’s questions by providing the evidence and facts that substantiate the effectiveness of your system and programs
5. Do not deliberately or otherwise try to overwhelm the auditor with excessive volunteered information about how well things are being managed where the auditor has not asked for that information
6. Do not hijack the audit time through the excessive discussion of speculative solutions for identified deficiencies
7. Do not insist on the history of past performance as evidence of compliance where issues are actually found during the audit
8. Avoid the excessive discussion of future compliance plans that are not documented or verifiable
9. Do not pile up unorganized documents for the auditors to search through when they ask for documented procedures and records
10. Do not stack pallets in front of doors to prevent the auditors from seeing all areas applicable to the audit
11. Do not make funny gestures behind the auditor to get your co-workers to hide things
12. Avoid mid-audit development of missing system management documents
13. Do not attempt to rail-road and/or stir the auditor away from areas with non-conformance issues
14. Do not discuss company politics, personal issues or other clients
Posted By Felix Amiri
Felix Amiri is the current Food Sector Chair of GCSE-Food & Health Protection
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